District Merit Badge Counselors
Merit Badge Counselors have registered to help our Scouts with Merit Badges at the Council, District and Unit levels. These lists are updated frequently, and as they have personal contact information, they are not posted publicly.
If you are in search of a Merit Badge Counselor to assist a youth member of your unit with a Merit Badge, please contact your unit's Merit Badge Coordinator, or your Scoutmaster or Committee Chair, and they can help you locate a suitable and available Merit Badge Counselor, utilizing all the resources available in the Council and the District. You may also contact the District Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator at BCDMeritBadges@gmail.com.
If you are active in a unit as a Merit Badge Coordinator, and need to get access to the current lists of Merit Badge Counselors, please contact the District Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator (BCDMeritBadges@gmail.com) to make the arrangements.
Finally, if you are interested in helping mentor our youth in a Merit Badge, we welcome your contribution. A Merit Badge Counselor is a formal Scouting position, and the process for training and registration may be obtained from our District Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator (BCDMeritBadges@gmail.com).